
Time to move on

  • DaveGrennan
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  • IFAS Astronomer of the Year 2010
  • IFAS Astronomer of the Year 2010
15 years 6 months ago #74519 by DaveGrennan
Replied by DaveGrennan on topic Re:Time to move on
Hi Guys,

I phoned Dave Moore this morning when I heard this news to see if the shop was badly damaged. I'm told only slight smoke damage. Considering that only a single wall was between the playgroup which burned down and the shop, it seems they got a VERY lucky escape.

As I understand it there was some sort of explosion, In the crech/playgroup underneath AI/A&S and one unit to the right. All I can say is thank God this didn't happen on a Saturday as that place would be literally crowded with kiddies. You literally can't move around that playgroup on a Saturday as parents leave there kids there and go about there business.

I have to say hearing that there was asbestos discovered and that the roof caved in, I'd be worried that the whole building may be condemned. That would be bad news for the guys at A&S.

Regards and Clear Skies,

J41 - Raheny Observatory.
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15 years 6 months ago - 15 years 6 months ago #74520 by fguihen
Replied by fguihen on topic Re:Time to move on
hey, seriously... forget any rivalry, competition or anything else that still seperates IFAS from A&S. No kids, or anybody were hurt...FORGET PROFIT OR POPULARITY. no youngsters were harmed. maby im being a little over-dramatical but seriously, nobody was Harmed! is that not reason for celebration?? circumstances could have been soooooooooooooomuch worse. so much so that it doesnt bear thinking about. What if this happened on a weekday, or at a time when many kids in a creche could have been affected. puts a lot of things in perspective. perhaps im niaeve ( pardon the spelling) but if all we have to argue about is the method in which we promote astronomy, then we are quite lucky. we could have much worse things to worry about.

Apologies for being overdramatic in this instance.
Last edit: 15 years 6 months ago by fguihen.

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15 years 6 months ago - 15 years 6 months ago #74521 by phoenix
Replied by phoenix on topic Re:Time to move on
Dave said:

Considering that only a single wall was between the playgroup which burned down and the shop, it seems they got a VERY lucky escape.

Its probably an asbestos wall mate. Despite its bad press asbestos actually did what it said on the tin. Unforuntately on the reverse side it also said 'For saving you I will take your life 30 years from now' I should say that I work as a technical manager for an asbestos analytical laboratory so if the guys in AS want any advice then let me know.

16" ODK (incoming), Mesu Mount 200, APM TMB 80mm, SXV H16, SXV H9
J16 An Carraig Observatory
Last edit: 15 years 6 months ago by phoenix.

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15 years 6 months ago #74524 by johnomahony
Replied by johnomahony on topic Re:Time to move on
That's the last thing they need coming up to the busiest time of the Year. I hope everything works out OK.

The Lord giveth, the Revenue taketh away. (John 1:16)


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