Definition of unified field : In Stefan-Boltzman temperature the length of Wien is 20% of observed (greek l) .Also exist light 20% to blue than Wien length (lc). analogies of two radiations greekl/lc=2pi , Stefan-Boltzman temperature/Plank temperature = 5
Background temperature of universe , Stefan-Boltzman 13,52K = 5xPlank temperature
two dimension of time and unified theory
In my papers of unified field theory we do not find the two dimensions of time as we discribe in my phylosophy book .
But the two forms of wien law give us the hope to indroduce relativity and numbers of freedom in wave function of plank or Maxwel-Boltzman . Also Stefan-Boltzman law will be transformed as we can see in first paper .Stefan-Boltzman law is arised in paper first in a few funnctions from hypotheses .The space of unified field is logarithmic and it could be explained by two dimension of time