
Interest Dropped To Zero

  • lunartic_old
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12 years 10 months ago #90431 by lunartic_old
Interest Dropped To Zero was created by lunartic_old
Hey there everyone.

I have noticed in the past couple of months that my interest in astronomy has dropped to zero, there is nothing, zip, nadda. I'll look out at the stars in the evening, and where once I got excited, now there's nothing. I've got to the stage now of giving some serious consideration to selling all the gear and moving on.

This is not a summer phase, I was always a fan of summer observing, I just cannot get up the enthuasism and make the effort. The thoughts of dragging out the scope and setting it up leave me cold. I have stepped out with the binos, but I soon loose interest and head back indoors.

I've been an active amateur for about a quarter of a century, I have had minor phases in the past, but never to the extent of selling up and getting out. This has been going on for about four or five months, previous phases have only lasted about a month at the most.

There is not even another branch of astronomy that I think I could move into, I have observed the sun in the past, it wasn't for me, I have sketched deep sky and double stars, I have observed deep sky and the moon and the planets. I know that variable stars are not for me, nor is astrophotography.

It is not the people, I might add, I really enjoy going to the meetings and getting out for a bit of public outreach, meeting both fellow amateurs and the public is a real joy.

One thought has come to me, and that is sell the gear, put the money away in the Post Office or bank, leave it there and if the urge returns use it to buy equipment in the future.

Has anyone else out there gone through such a prolonged barren stage?

Thanks for the time.


Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.

Rich Cook

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12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #90435 by dmolloy
Replied by dmolloy on topic Re: Interest Dropped To Zero
The only thing we can say truely exists is the universe, astronomy is the study of the universe - therefore astronomy is everything. ;)

sometimes people ask me if I am looking at the same things night after night through my telescope (weather permitting) my answer is yes and no. I love my garden and watch it through the seasons year after year. despite the obvious effect of the seasons on the garden I am always filled with gladness despite knowing what to expect.
The night sky is a bit like that for me, I wait for Orion to appear or wait for a good view of M57...I know what to expect but like looking at a beautiful thing or an old master's masterpiece - I never get bored. I think the weather has a lot to answer for. we are not blessed with desert skies or an abundance of clear balmy nights

I look at my telescopes gathering dust over the last few months - but I know I will be out there again, freezing my nuts off and wishing there was certain individuals by my side so I could say "Ya think Jedward is good, but look at this" So be of good cheer......and if you are giving any of your gear away.....Im really poor and deserving

signed Very disturbed
Co Laois :woohoo:
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by dmolloy.

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12 years 10 months ago #90436 by dmolloy
Replied by dmolloy on topic Re: Interest Dropped To Zero
by the way....just been turning this over in my head:
There are people out there that believe that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - then it must be an alien in a duck suit :laugh: .....im not so sure

(please ignore the above comment it is made by a man with too much time on his hands and too much coffee in his belly)

signed, hugely unhinged
Co laois

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12 years 10 months ago #90437 by johnomahony
Replied by johnomahony on topic Re: Interest Dropped To Zero

I can understand your situation. It's got nothing to do with the availability of clear weather either. My last two years have been so hectic and stressful that astronomy has taken a back seat but I have still managed to hold onto it as it connects me with people. I think most people go through a "what am I doing phase" at some point and take a break. Don't sell the gear as one day you will be eager to use it again. Take a break, do something different for a while (its healthy) and you will find your interest revived at some point.
Don't lose the faith!! ;)


The Lord giveth, the Revenue taketh away. (John 1:16)


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12 years 10 months ago #90439 by daveg
Replied by daveg on topic Re: Interest Dropped To Zero

I say sell the gear n take a holiday for yourself. By the sounds of it youre only torturing yourself anyway, will i wont i.... Move on to something new that doesnt dig as deep into your pockets and has you out at unholy hours.

Dave Gradwell

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12 years 10 months ago #90440 by Calibos
Replied by Calibos on topic Re: Interest Dropped To Zero
Typical, I'll be back in the observing game after a 3 year break and me favourite fellow astronomer has given up!! :( What'll we do without 'The Eskimo' !! :laugh:

Don't worry, I still love you, Deirdre, Michael and Dave :laugh: Its funny actually, Theres probably a bunch of lads that have spent 10 times more time observing with the aforementioned mob in the intervening 3 years since I was last out, than I ever got a chance to in the 18 months I spent with ye. I'll be the 'New guy' again that nobody knows!! :laugh:

I tell you what though Paul. You need to become more of a gearhead like me. Its sustained me during my observing fallow years. Doing mods, planning mods, redoing mods, planning replacement mods etc etc :blush: :laugh:

Setting up a GEM wrecks your head. Dragging out a heavy Chinese 12 inch dob wrecks your head. You want to sell your current gear (keep your hard to source Eyepieces though) take another 6 months out till after Christmas. Then get yourself a 12" Sumerian Canopus for €1500 (Incl GSO Mirror) A piece of craftsmanship that will look well setup in the sitting room or can all fit in a Drum case behind the couch. Lightweight and quick and easy to setup. No matter where you went in the country you could take it a along on the off chance you might use it and it would take up feck all space in the car so no need to leave one of the kids at home.

I suppose its down to whether you've just seen everything you want to see within reach of the size scope your wallet and back can afford or whether you were spoilt by 12" apeture a while ago but are sick of the pain in the back of setting up a chinese 12" or the pain in the @rse of setting up a GEM mounted apeture that just doesn't do it for you anymore.

Only you can answer that question.

I'm was just amazed when I found out it was possible to get a compact lightweight premium structure and GSO mirror for only a small amount more than a Chinese behemoth with GSO/Synta mirror.


Keith D.

16" Meade Lightbridge Truss Dobsonian with Servocat Tracking/GOTO
Ethos 3.7sx,6,8,10,13,17,21mm
Nagler 31mm

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